
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

His Sister Missed Her period

Little Johnny's class had returned from their summer vacation.

Everybody in the class had to go up to the chalk board to draw

a picture to describe their summer. The first to go was Mindy.

She drew a sail boat on the water and said, "This summer me and

my family rented a boat and sailed all around Newfoundland." The

teacher said, "That is very nice." Next, Little Julie went up to

the board and drew a beach and a big sun. Julie said, "My family

and I went to the beach for the summer." The teacher said that

it must have been fun. Next, it was Little Johnny's turn, so he

approached the board and drew a dot on the board. The teacher

said, "What is that Johnny? Is it a dot or a ball, or what?"

Little Johnny said, "No, that's a period, my sister missed hers

this summer and that's why we didn't have a summer vacation.

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